Эта песня просто ИДЕАЛЬНОЕ отражение какого-нибудь фанфика про Пэна.
Вообще, я всё ещё жду и верю, когда же авторы поймут, что слили единственного адекватного злодея во всем сериале :с
The hourglass sees what shelf life does
She asked, exactly tell me
"what is love but breathing life alone?"
Just the words from prophets and religious shows
Imagine hurt, imagine tears
She opened up until she disappeared
Vanished, hand in hand,
With all the long-lost children locked in Neverland
She asked, exactly tell me
"what is love but breathing life alone?"
Just the words from prophets and religious shows
Imagine hurt, imagine tears
She opened up until she disappeared
Vanished, hand in hand,
With all the long-lost children locked in Neverland